Ayrshire Connect
Do a little to help a lot
Their mission at Lavemill Larder is to help you reduce your waste and live more sustainably.
You will find pastas and rices, nuts and seeds, a substantial range of herbs and spices as well as refills of sustainable laundry and cleaning products, shampoos and hand washes. By bringing your own containers or using their eco alternatives, you can purchase more economically and eliminate single use plastic.
Local produce is key with their own free-range eggs a popular choice along with sweets and marmalades by Homemade by Jill, dressings by Oishii and drinks including Mossgiel Milk and Left Field Kombucha. Find an extensive range of vegan produce and treats and delicious deli items.
Eco goods include reusable wraps, shampoo bars and reusable sanitary products all made in Ayrshire by ReWrap, Surya Luna and TCS Eco. Chose sustainable gifts, cards and wrapping paper to truly make a difference.
Lavemill Larder is a place where you can shop ethically and sustainable, you can be confident knowing you are reducing environmental impact and waste.
Start small, start today.
Ayrshire Connect
Ayrshire Connect
Ayrshire Connect
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