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Ayrshire Connect

Feature Your Business

Ayrshire Connect is a business development project that we created initially in conjunction with the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and it offers a comprehensive listing to any business that will feature on any number of curated website channels in, on and about Ayrshire. 

The business entry can be shared across a wide range of community and business facing websites channels and cost effectively increasing the visibility of your business or project to niche markets.

Ayrshire Connect is quite unique in its ability to be able to quickly create and populate collaborative opportunities on a host of partner sites powered by the same database.

And it couldn't be easier to get your information up and live.

Your business entry will feature not only in each of the town pages but also on mobile devices that will be promoting an interactive Google Map for visitors to the town giving you additional opportunities to be found.

Ayrshire Connect is very much about small businesses and spending locally and the site is aimed at getting foots onto streets and through doors. It is aimed at "Bricks and Mortar" rather than promoting online business.

Your business entry will feature a  header image, business description, image gallery and links to your own site and social media. Your entry will be featured in your local town pages but also will be searchable from visitors beyond and in a number of "sectoral" sections featuring specialist retail, food and drink, sports and activities or events.

Please get involved and if possible help share the message with your fellow high street neighbours - the more full each town page is the more it will be used.

You can sign up clicking on the Connect Your Business link below or for further information contact us directly.



Feature your Business

Feature your Business

Complete the five minute registration form and get your business or group Ayrshire Connected. The project works from the ground up - your listing opens the door to being featured on social media, blogs and news features and future promotional campaigns.

Retail listing

Retail listing

Ayrshire Connect started with the aim of developing a "Bricks and Mortar" campaign to drive footfall into towns and through doors. Having your business listed is the first part of this plan you can then can promote your offers, location, social media links and more.

Accommodation listing

Accommodation listing

Ayrshire Connect is not only about informing locals but will also offer accommodation providers a Digital Concierge that they can share the Google Map with their visitors highlighting attractions, bars and restaurants, events and retail in the local area and beyond

View town listing

View town listing

Each town and village in Ayrshire - regardless of size - can have their own section which can link to businesses and attractions in the area. View an example of how the town page will be mapped out here. If you wish to help get your town featured contact us directly.

Groups and associations

Groups and associations

Sectoral groups representing areas such as food and drink, golf, events and more will each have their own page and they in turn can link to their member groups and businesses - this is an opportunity to promote your current members and attract new.

Food and Drink Listing

Food and Drink Listing

Click on the link to see an example of a food and drink business listing. Additional features are available including the uploading of PDF menus and daily offers. The page is optimised for search engines complementing your web and social media presence.

Ayrshire Connect

Website Privacy Statement

Ayrshire Connect

Website Terms and Conditions

Ayrshire Connect

Website Accessibility

We have tried to make this website as accessible as possible and easy to use for everyone, regardless of circumstance or ability.

All our page templates comply with the WCAG Priority 2 checkpoints as a minimum requirement. And we make every effort to ensure that all the content on our site meets this standard too. We are making every effort to ensure that we don't exclude any users. For example:

  • We try to use clear and simple language.
  • We use alternative text for all our images 
  • Were possible the HTML we produce conforms to the standard: XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • We have tested the colours we use in the design for contrast.

We try to publish all our text content as accessible HTML rather than in other formats such as PDF. Where we do publish PDFs or other formats our policy is to make them as accessible as we can.

Please feel free to share the content of this page with your friends – simply click on where you would like to share it.